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Plum Tree Quarry

Gromac Quarries

Langtree Consulting was commissioned by Gromac Quarries, to design and document the intersection upgrade in accordance with The Department of Transport and Main Roads requirements and to obtain the required Section 62 Approval and Section 33 Approvals.  Our works included:


  • Liaison with the Client, DTMR and the other consultants

  • A site inspection and confirmation of the exact location for the proposed intersection and assisted with the detailed survey of the proposed intersection area;

  • Confirmed the requirements of the future Development Application;

  • Confirmed the TMR warrants against the future development. For this specific project we were requested to design for CHR and AUL type intersection warrants;

  • Checked for existing services;

  • Prepared concept site layout (CHR and AUL)

  • Met with TMR to confirm that the concept design met their requirements;

  • Prepared detailed design and construction documentation of the intersection upgrade including earthworks, drainage, pavements, surfacing, signage and linemarking;

  • Prepared a Specification, Bill of Quantities and Cost Estimate; and

  • Prepared and lodged the DTMR Section 62 and Section 33 application documentation; and

  • Obtained TMR’s approval conditions.

This project was successfully completed within a 3 month period.

07 47242546

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